Here’s the first installment of a home workout series I programed for our Grappling, Striking and MMA athletes. Many of the exercises require minimal equipment and can be modified to use your bodyweight. Remember, if you would like to borrow a dumbbell or kettlebell, give us a shout or drop a comment below and we’ll arrange a date and time for pickup.
Day 1 - Lactic Retention
5 sets of
:20 seconds - DB goblet squat
Right into
:20 seconds - squat hold just above 90 degrees
Rest 1-3 mins
10 mins active recovery (nasal breathing only) - shadow box, jump rope, jog, row or bike at 60% effort
5 sets of
:30seconds - hinge row 1 + 4
Right into
:30 seconds - push up hold
Rest 1-3 mins
10 mins active recovery (nasal breathing only) - shadow box, jump rope, jog, row or bike at 60% effort